Half Man, Half Amazing

What was so riveting was the simplicity of what he does. He has a general checklist that potential properties he buys has to meet and that's that. Yes, now that they're so big its difficult to find companies that meet all his criteria, but it just made so much sense to me. (Needless to say, it's not *that* simple, or I suppose we'd all be worth $44B)
I'm curious to know what others in the business world think of him. Does anyone actually dislike this man? Also, are there other CEOs of major companies in this country who are Democrats like Buffett? Is it few and far between?
By the by, can I borrow $89,000 to purchase 1 share of the Berkshire Hathaway A fund? Or perhaps $2,987 for 1 share of the B fund? Thanks.
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