Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Lacrosstitutes... the term used at Duke describing the girls that hang out with the lacrosse team.

We have yet to chime in here about this story. It's white vs black, rich vs. poor, its Duke vs. the community, etc.

Newsweek had a pretty solid article on the subject. One passage that I found to be great was:

"Strutting lacrosse players are a distinctive and familiar breed on elite campuses along the Eastern Seaboard. Because the game until recently was played mostly at prep schools and in upper-middle-class communities on New York's Long Island and outside Baltimore, the players tend to be at once macho and entitled, a sometimes unfortunate combination. They can often be seen driving in SUVs with LAX decals, their dirty-white college ball caps turned around, a pinch of Skoal in their mouths."

Lets be honest, lacrosse players are, generally speaking, huge assholes. From high school through college, these guys have almost always fit there own stereotype of "being huge pricks." A whole team of them, living on campus I cant even imagine the magnitude of assholedness...Why are they such jerkoffs? Why all the attitude? Perhaps, as a hero of mine once stated so eloquently, they finally realized that they're standing in the middle of a field holding butterfly catchers.



Blogger blizzard said...

solid points...also, everyone knows that the dr. of funk is excluded from that stereotype...he's just too funky not to be...

2:40 PM, May 03, 2006  
Blogger blizzard said...

i think what smalls is saying is that all assholes are not lacrosse players, but pretty much all lacrosse players are assholes...

4:46 PM, May 03, 2006  

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