First & First All Movie Team

Top five movies: past 25-ish years, plus three honorable mentions. Any genre. I understand this is very difficult, but just give us your lists as it is today. (in any order)
1) The Shawshank Redemption
2) Pulp Fiction
3) Ferris Bueller's Day Off
4) Goodfellas
5) The Usual Suspects
Honorable Mentions: A Few Good Men, The Insider, Tombstone
oh shiiittt, i second that shout to groundhog day...and how did i forget swingers...this is impossible
tombstone is fucking amazing...
ush - i have to politely disagree about life aquatic...ill admit ive only seen it twice but there is no way i would consider it better than (in order) rushmore, bottle rocket and the royal tenenbaums...
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